Thirty Years With Computers

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This article starts out talking about how far the technology in computers has advanced in the past years. Sometimes we don’t realize just how fast technology is advancing, but if we compare today’s computers to some of the very first computers we can get an idea of just how far technology has advanced. For example, the first computer that Jakob Neilsen worked on had a CPU speed of 0.1 MHz, had five kilobytes of RAM, and was about the size of a room. Compare that to a PDA/cell phone that can fit in the palm of your hand, is a lot faster, has a lot more space, and can do a lot more, like surf the net from anywhere.

Jakob Neilson was comparing the rate of how far technology has advanced in the past thirty years to how far it will advance in the next thirty years. He said that computer power doubles every 18 months, according to Moore’s Law, making computers a million times more powerful by 2034. According to Nielsen’s Law of Internet bandwidth, connectivity at home grows 50% every year, giving us a bandwidth of 200,000 times more by 2034. He also predicts that a common home computer will run at 3PHz CPU speed, with a petabyte of memory, half an exabyte of harddisk-equivalent storage, and will connect to the internet at quarter terabit per second.

Jakob Neilson also mentioned how much user interface has progressed over the past thirty years. He also continues to explain how this increase of technology will allow for user interface to progress that much more.

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